What Goes Around Comes Around
Why We Use Recycled Fibers
We’ve got some good news and some not-so-good news. As an apparel brand, our environmental footprint will never be zero. But we’re constantly exploring ways to create the styles you love using recycled materials that help us do our planet a solid and minimize our impact. The clothes they make aren’t good as new — they’re good as recycled, which is even better.
Why do we use recycled fibers as much as possible? Using them reduces the waste that goes into landfill and minimizes our usage of farmable land and new materials. And because we’ve been at it for years, these styles look and feel like your favorites — without as much impact.

All too often, perfectly good cotton (think: the scraps leftover from making a garment) ends up in landfills. We know we can do better than that, so we’re challenging ourselves to disrupt that cycle of waste. Each season, we incorporate recycled materials into our garments, giving textiles that might otherwise be wasted a chance at life.

We choose recycled polyester whenever we can because it takes less energy to produce than the new stuff — and it reduces our dependency on fossil fuels.
Recycled polyester is often made from the same bottles that you might toss into your recycling bin. These bottles and all other sorts of plastic products are collected, sorted, cleaned and broken down into chips. Those chips are then melted and blown into fibers like REPREVE® — the leading branded fiber made from recycled materials — which are then woven into everything from sweaters to pants.

We’ve still got a long way to go, so we’re constantly working to improve our numbers. Until then, you’ll find recycled fibers in some of your all-time favorite Dockers® styles like our Jean Cut Pant, Signature Comfort Flex Shirt and Full Zip Hoodie.